Chickens / 14.03.2011

It's chick season and people are grabbing these cute little fluffy birds and bringing them home! But do they have a plan if a chick ends up being a rooster? While I adore my rooster and find him valuable to our flock, many chicken owners are...

ducks / 02.12.2010

Last spring my husband and I came to a compromise - he could build a pond if I could get ducks.  So, we got five little Pekin ducklings with a couple of turkeys and raised them together.  They were all cute and fuzzy and loud-...

Chickens, For fun / 29.11.2010

Just in time for the holidays - here are some gift ideas for the chicken lover in your life!  Be sure to also check out my latest: 2011 Edition of Chicken gift ideas! These rubber boots will certainly keep your feet clean and dry while you...

Chickens / 18.11.2010

We have snow in the forecast for the next few days, so today I made sure our flock is set and  ready for the cold winter weather. In general we don't do a whole lot to change their environment as their body temperatures keep each...

Chickens / 13.11.2010

Several years ago the USDA developed an outreach campaign to educate bird owners on how to keep their poultry flocks healthy.  Check out their website here for information and materials. It is important to know what symptoms to look for when it comes to infectious...

Chickens / 20.10.2010

Just like snakes shed their skin and dogs shed their winter coat -chickens too go through a molting process.  They shed their feathers which is a natural  process that lasts a few weeks and usually starts in the late summer or early fall when there...