I have a funny thing to admit... on the opening day of the show I had to get up at 4am to get ready for a live TV interview and while I was driving to the show I got all teary because I was so happy that the show was finally starting. I could not wait! It is such a huge highlight of my year, I tend to get overly emotional with happiness! I love it, seeing everyone - the people are fantastic, all the hard work put into the show, the garden family reunions and new discoveries and encounters. So much garden love.. I can hardly handle it! I'm looking forward to next year "Garden's Go Hollywood" theme.. the question on my mind, is *will we* or *won't we* build a garden?! Anyhoo, onto a photo album of some fun stuff:

- When I first saw this, I immediately wanted to lounge in this garden. Little did I know there would be fantastic entertainment later on... a beautiful belly dancer performed on the last day and we were lucky to catch her performance!