Eco Pro Certification

We are coming into the second year of the WSNLA‘s Sustainable Landscape Professional Certification, now called EcoPro.   Jessi will once again be the opening speaker and teaching sustainable design for the February training.  Zac and Jessi are maintaining their certifications through continued education, and, of course, a deeply ingrained practice of implementing sustainable practices in all of NW Bloom’s designs, construction, and maintenance.  As the industry continues to shift towards more ecological and sustainable practices it’s essential to have credibility to escape “green-washing” and continue to increase the public’s knowledge on the subject, and the EcoPro Certification does just that.

An EcoPro Certified Individual demonstrates a knowledge and practice of the following principles:

• Protect and Conserve Soils
• Conserve Water
• Protect Water and Air Quality
• Protect and Create Wildlife Habitat
• Conserve Energy
• Sustain Healthy Plants
• Use Sustainable Methods and Materials
• Protect and Enhance Human Health and Well-being

The upcoming training will be held at Clover Park Technical College in Lakewood, WA. and will run February 18-21st.  You can find more information on what it takes to be an EcoPro Certified Sustainable Landscape Professional on the WSNLA’s website.  You can  also read about the process of creating this certification on a blog post before last year’s training here.  If you know anyone that would benefit from this training please let them know so that we can continue to add to the credibility of our profession and our practices.  Register Here!